Since Spotify has forced me to create my own bio branded as "edited from Julian Easily" I have to find a way to write down my own story. I'd rather have another person writing it but in a way thats way more personal. Im writing it now for you.
I was born in Switzerland but spent half of my young life in Germany. I went there for my education. Thats where I fell in love with my constructive self. I played in a band called The Sunset Council. Puting my work out there for everyone to judge is also some kind of therapy for me. to get a little less sensitive about when someone does not feel the way I feel.
I put my music on different streaming platforms. One of my best friends always told me, that he liked my music and people would have to hear this! So here we are. Me in your ears. So if you like what you hear, please tell your family and friends or even strangers if you like!
This is me talking to you. You who took her/his time to read this.